New Creative Writing Workshop: Oct–Nov 2022

Please email to join the waitlist.

The Dog, the Trip, and the Love: 
Subjects that move us to write, yet prove difficult to write about

This six-week workshop inventories the major obstacles to good dog writing, good trip writing, and good love writing. We will read selected works of published nonfiction on these themes and explore a variety of techniques for portraying animal companions, journeys, and beloveds—as well as any other exceptionally elusive-yet-motivating subjects you might bring to the table. Participants will receive weekly prompts and will have the opportunity to share and learn from work generated within the group. Ultimately, the goal of this workshop is to multiply our ideas about how to get what’s dear to us onto the page.

Meeting digitally on Zoom
Tuesdays at 6-7:15pm Alaska, 7-8:15pm Pacific, etc. (please note the 75-minute block)
October 4 – November 8, 2022 (six weeks)

Thematic Breakdown:
The Dog—October 4, 11
The Trip—October 18, 25
The Love—November 1, 8

The Group:
Maximum 12 participants

Zoom for meetings (link to be sent by email after registration / prior to first class meeting)
Google Drive to access readings and share writings
Expect very few administrative bells and whistles. This is a solo Outer Point Essays offering. Email me directly about accessibility questions or pay-as-you-can arrangements!

Please email to join the waitlist.

Fonts: Canada 1500 by Ray Larabie and Adobe Jenson Pro by Robert Slimbach. Website by Scout James.