Leavetakings Shortlisted as an ASLE Creative Book Award Finalist

Judges include Leavetakings in their announcement of ten finalists for the 2022 ASLE Book Awards.

ASLE, the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment, explains its vision as follows: “ASLE is where slow thinking (scholarly and artistic research and writing) meets swift action (we cannot truly be environmental humanists unless we are willing to become environmental activists). We study, write, compose and create because we care about issues like biodiversity, environmental justice, survival in a time of endemic precarity and global catastrophe, and the effects of climate change on humans and nonhumans alike. These concerns have long histories, and we believe that we can look to the past to imagine alternative futures. We do not have easy solutions to the problems that face us, but we do have faith that widened community is our best way forward.”

Fonts: Canada 1500 by Ray Larabie and Adobe Jenson Pro by Robert Slimbach. Website by Scout James.